Instructional Resources

Generative Artificial Intelligence Syllabus Statements

Using generative artificial intelligence (GAI) tools may be a decision that instructors and students will have to make during the semester. But what constitutes acceptable use of GAI in a course? An instructor may decide that, based on their instructional approach, learning outcomes, and activities and assessments, there is no appropriate use of GAI in their course. Other instructors may see benefit in using the tools in specific ways. Either way, instructors are encouraged to provide students with guidance, via the course syllabus and assignment instructions, around what they determine is permissible use of GAI in their course.

See Artificial Intelligence (AI) Text Generation: Considerations for Teaching and Learning

Sample Statements

The following sample statements may help you shape the message you provide to your students.

Examples from Memorial

The following statements have been shared with the permission of the unit.

Resource created by: D. Carew and R. Hickey

Originally Published: August 18, 2023

